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Reading the right books at the right time, carefully selected for you and your current situation, can be life-changing.
Our unique personalised reading service, curates a one-off tailored set of book recommendations, based on an individual's personal interests, need and reading habits. Includes 7 - 10 personalised book recommendations expertly curated. With or without books. Receive your book prescription within 48 hours of purchase. Unlimited support for two weeks after the book prescription is delivered.
A one-off service as and when you need it. No subscriptions - no ongoing commitments.
Can be gifted too.How It Works

Choose from the Personalised Book Prescription option (recommendations only) or Personalised Book Box option (recommendations plus books)

Tell us about your reading preferences and reading habits. We'll get cracking to curate the perfect books for you.

We'll email you your Personalised Book Prescription within 48 hours or deliver your Personalised Book Box within 5 working days.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will I receive?
A personalised book prescription, a minimum 10-page report, setting out 7-10 tailored book recommendations with detailed commentary and reviews of the books and why they're perfect for you. You'll also receive a personalised letter from our book therapist and curator.
What if I don't like the books prescribed?
Just email us and we will add more recommendations to your prescription. You will also receive unlimited email support on anything that you'd like to discuss or that you are unsure of.
Where can I read reviews and testimonials of your service?
Scroll down at the bottom of this page, and click on reviews:
Who is the product suitable for?
It's suitable for all ages, including children.
Can I gift a book prescription?
Yes you absolutely can - either through hitting the 'gift instantly' button or buying a gift card.
Do you offer any other services/literary guides?
Yes I offer in-person or face-to-face bibliotherapy sessions. You can also find these literary guides and shorts plus book journaling tools. There's a whole host of literary essays, author Q&As and articles here, that might help. Lastly, don't forget to check out our reading tools for children, to encourage a lifelong love for reading.
What will I receive?
3 books, hand-picked just for you by our book curator and bibliotherapist, (based on your reading preferences, interests, needs and reading habits) delivered in a delightfully-wrapped box plus a £10 Book Therapy gift card bonus.
You can spend this across any of our literary products including Book Therapy Shorts, Literary Guides, Bibliotherapy sessions, Bibliotherapy Literature & Mental Health Online Course, Reading tools for Children and Book Journaling tools.
I have made the purchase, will you get in touch with me about my reading preferences and habits?
Once you've made the purchase, we'll email you some questions about your reading preferences (fiction/nonfiction/favourite genres/favourite books), reading habits (how often you read, when you read, how much time you can devote to reading etc) and also if there is a particular theme or issue you would like us to focus on.
Who is the product suitable for?
It's suitable for all ages, including children.
What if I just want the curated/personalised book recommendations and not the books?
You can purchase a personalised book prescription here, that provides personalised book recommendations without the books.
Can I gift a personalised book box?
Yes you absolutely can - either through hitting the 'gift instantly' button and we will get in touch with them to create the perfect personalised book box for them.
Where can I read reviews and testimonials of your service?
Scroll down at the bottom of this page, and click on reviews:
What Our Customers Say
Our Bibliotherapist and
Book Curator, Bijal Shah
As a qualified counsellor, book curator and bibliotherapist I noticed, during my own therapy sessions, I'd reach out to a book to understand the context better. It was then that I realised there's something powerful that needs to be explored here.
I've helped people coping with loss of any kind from bereavement to difficult life-changes. I've worked with people transitioning between career changes or those managing anxiety and depression, navigating parenthood, or dealing with challenging family dynamics to those simply looking to build greater self-esteem.

Discover the Magic of Personalised Reading

A Video Testimonial From A Client

Our Personalised Book Reading Service